Japji Sahib

Japji Sahib v3



satinAmu karatA purakhu nirabhau niravairu
akAla mUrita ajUnI saibha.n gUra prasAdi


Adi sachu jugAdi sachu hai bhee sachu nAnaka hosI bhI sachu

There is but One GodLiterally, one who does OM.

Whose name is True, the Creator, without fear and hostileness
Immortal, unborn, self-existent – by the Guru’s kindnessAlso, translated as giving great bounties.

Repeat and say

True in the beginning, true throughout time, true now, true always

Pauri 1

sochai sochi na hovaI je sochI lakha vAra socha - thinking, na hovaI - will not happen, je - if, sochI - thinking, lakh - 100000, vAra - times
chupai chupa na hovaI je lAi rahA liva tAra chupai - silence, na hovaI - will not happen, je - if, lAi - love, rahA - remaining/path/to stay, liva - concentrate/absorbed, tAra - string/wire/star/clean/clear
bhukhiA bhukha na utarI je ba.nnA purIA bAra
sahasa siANapA lakha hohi ta ika nA chalai nAli
kiva sachiArA hoIai kiva kU.Dai tuTai pAli
hukami rajAI calaNA nAnaka likhiA nAli | 1

Unobtainable by thinking, no matter the thought
Unobtainable by silence, wordlessness goes to naught
Desires never appeased even when the all goods accrue
Knowledge of million kinds, but none will go with you
How to become truthful? How can the illusion unlock?
Nanak - whatever is written, that way you will walk | 1

Pauri 2

hukamI hovani AkAra hukamu na kahiA jAI
hukamI hovani jIa hukami milai vaDiAI
hukamI utamu nIcu hukami likhi dukha sukha paIahi
ikanA hukamI bakhasIsa iki hukamI sadA bhavAIahi sadA - everywhere bhavAahi - place
hukamai aMdari sabhu ko bAhari hukama na koi
nAnaka hukamai je bujhai ta haumai kahai na koi | 2

By divine grace, occurs unexplainable creation
Soul and greatness obtained by divine’s direction
By divine grace, high or low, comfort or pain reception
By divine grace, some are blessed, others ever in confusion
All beings are under divine command, no other conclusion
If this is understood, ego would undergo dissolution | 2

Pauri 3

gAvai ko tANu hovai kisai tANu
gAvai ko dAti jANai nIsANu
gAvai ko guNa vaDiAIA cAra
gAvai ko vidiA vikhamu vIcAru
gAvai ko sAji kare tanu kheha
gAvai ko jIa lai firi deha
gAvai ko jApai disai dUri
gAvai ko vekhai hadarA hadUri
kathanA kathI na Avai toTi kathanA - description, kathI - to describe, na Avai - not having, toTi - end
kathi kathi kathI koTI koTi koTi kathi - described, koTI - crore / million (marathi/punjabi)
dedA de laide thaki pAhi
jugA jugaMtari khAhI khAhi
hukamI hukamu chalAe rAhu
nAnaka vigasai veparavAhu| 3

Some sing of Strength with all their power
Some sing of knowing the signs of the Giver
Some sing of all excellent qualities more
Some sing of knowledge so hard to score
Some sing body makes then to dust takes
Some sing life takes then life makes
Some sing the Divine is very far away
Some sing Grace watches from within anyway
There is no dearth of facets to praise
Countless offer praise in countless ways
The Giver gives, tired takers get
Over ages, consumers consume yet
Within the Divine will, all walk their path unhurried
The Divine rejoices with no worries | 3

Pauri 4

sAchA sAhibu sAchu nAi bhAkhiA bhAU apAru apAru - endless/infinite
Akhahi maMgahi dehi dehi dAti kare dAtAru
pheri ki agai rakhIai jitu disai darabAru
muhau ki bolaNu bolIai jitu suNi dhare piAru
amrita velA sacu nAU vaDiAI vIcAru
karamI Avai kapa.DA nadarI moku duAru
nAnaka evai jANIai sabhu Ape sachiAru | 4

True the Master, True the Name - speak with endless devotion
Beings ask for gifts, the Giver does dispensation
What can we give so that the Divine has satisfaction?
What can be spoken to elicit the Master’s affection?
In ambrosial hours before dawnKnown as amrit vela - 2H to 0.5H before sunrise. - of the Divine do contemplationliterally “greatness describe”
By karma this body is obtained, by blessing comes salvation
Nanak - this way we can realize the everlasting True One. | 4

Pauri 5

thApiA na jAi kItA na hoi
Ape api niraMjanu soi
jini seviA tini pAiA mAnu
nAnaka gavIai guNI nidhAnu
gAvIai suNIai mani rakhIai bhAu
dukhu parahari sukhu ghari lai jAi
guramukhi nAdaM guramukhi vedaM guramukhi rahiA samAI
guru Isaru guru gorakhu baramA guru pArabatI mAI
je hau jANA AkhA nAhI kahaNA kathanu na jAI
gurA ika dehi bujhAI
sabhanA jIA kA iku dAtA so mai visari na jAI | 5

No one can establish or make the Endless
Who is self-created and flawless
Respect and honor given to the serving few
Nanak sings of the Treasury of Virtues
Sing, hear, and put Divine Love in your heart
Joy comes and pain and sadness departs
Guru’s word - naad ; Guru’s word - knowledge ; Focus on words of Guru
Guru Shiva, Guru Parvati, Guru Brahma, and Guru Visnu
This cannot be described or spoken even if I knew
The Guru has gave me one understanding yet
The Divine provides for all beings - never forget! | 5

Pauri 6

tIrathi nAvA je tisu bhAvA viNu bhANe ki nAi karI
jetI siraThi upAI vekha viNu karamA ki milai laI
mati vici ratana javAhara mANika je ika gura kI sikha suNi
gurA ika dehi bujhAI
sabhanA jIA kA iku dAtA so mai visari na jAI | 6 visari - forget

Sacred baths matter only if the Divine is pleased
Looking upon the world, without good karma what is received?
The mind fills with treasures if one teaching of the guru is perceived
The Guru has gave me one understanding yet
The Divine provides for all beings - never forget! | 6

Pauri 7

je juga chAre ArajA hora dasUNI hoi
navA khaMDA vichi jANIai nAli chalai sabhu koi
chaMgA nAu rakhAi kai jasu kIrati jagi lei
jai tisu nadari na AvaI ta vAta na puCai ke
kITA aMdari kITu kari dosI dosu dhare dosI - those that sin, doshA - sin/fault
nanaka niragaNi guNu kare guNavaMtiA guNu de
tehi koi na sujhaI ji tisu guNu koi kare | 7

Living through the four ages - or 10 times more
Everyone following you when you go to new shores
Good name and reputation, fame in world affairs
But if no glance from the Divine, then no one cares
Just a bug among bugs and only with the sinners compared
To the worthy and worthless, virtues does the Divine share
But who can dream of adding virtues to the Divine’s wares | 7

Pauri 8

suNiai sidha pIra suri nAtha
suNiai dharati dhavala AkAsa
suNiai dIpa loa pAtAla
suNiai pohi na sakai kAlu
nanaka bhagatA sadA vigAsu
suNiai dUkha pApa kA nAsu | 8

By hearing (the Name), become a saint
By hearing (the Name), the nature of the worldLiteral translation is earth, bull, and ether. Pauri 16 for more details. acquaint
By hearing (the Name), understand the continents, worlds, and nether regions
By hearing (the Name), Death does not grab anyoneEnlightened and with the Divine, so never dies again.
Nanak - the saints are always overjoyed
By hearing (the Name), sorrow and sin are destroyed | 8

Pauri 9

suNiai Isaru baramA iMda
suNiai mukhi sAlAhaNa maMdu
suNiai joga jugati tani bheda
suNiai sAsata simriti veda
nanaka bhagatA sadA vigAsu
suNiai dUkha pApa kA nAsu | 9

By hearing (the Name), one becomes divine.
By hearing (the Name), the low are praised and shine.
By hearing (the Name), the ways of the Yogis and the body are shown
By hearing (the Name), the sacred scriptures are known
Nanak - the saints are always overjoyed
By hearing (the Name), sorrow and sin are destroyed | 9

Pauri 10

suNiai satu saMtokha giAnu
suNiai aThasaThi kA isanAnu
suNiai pa.Di pa.Di pAvahi mAnu
suNiai lAgai sahaji dhiAnu
nanaka bhagatA sadA vigAsu
suNiai dUkha pApa kA nAsu | 10

By hearing (the Name), truth, contentment, and knowledge is obtained.
Hearing (the Name) the benefit of 68 baths of pilgrimmage is gained.
Hearing and reading (the Name), from learning obtain laurels
By hearing (the Name), become of the Divine always mindfuleasily meditate on the Divine.
Nanak - the saints are always overjoyed
By hearing (the Name), sorrow and sin are destroyed | 10

Pauri 11

suNiai sarA guNA ke gAha literally - the sea of virtue is sounded
suNiai sekha pIra pAtisAha Shaik, Pirs, Emperors.
suNiai aMdhe pAvahi rAhu
suNiai hAtha hovai asagAhu
nanaka bhagatA sadA vigAsu
suNiai dUkha pApa kA nAsu | 11

By hearing (the Name), the best virtues one does acquire
By hearing (the Name), one becomes a sage, saint, or ruler
By hearing (the Name), the blind find their way thru the land
By hearing (the Name), the ungraspable comes to one’s hands
Nanak - the saints are always overjoyed
By hearing (the Name), sorrow and sin are destroyed | 11

Pauri 12

maMne kI gati kahI na jAimaMne Those who obey the Divine, those who surrender, etc.
je ko kahai pichhai pachhutAi
kAgadi kalama na likhaNahAru
maMne kA bahi karani vIcAru
aisA nAmu niraMjanu hoi
je ko maMni jANai mani koi | 12

No one can describe the path of the faithful
Anyone who does becomes regretful
No book, pen, or scribe
The state of faithful can describe
The Name of God is so pure
Only the faithful understand for sure | 12

Pauri 13

maMnai surati hovai mani budhi
maMnai sagala bhavaNa kI sudhi
maMnai muhi coTA nA khAi
maMnai jama kai sAthi na jAi
aisA nAmu niraMjanu hoi
je ko maMni jANai mani koi | 13

The faithful have wisdom enter the mind
And understand worlds of all kinds
They avoid the beatings and scorn
And shall not depart to be reborn
The Name of God is so pure
Only the faithful understand for sure | 13

Pauri 14

maMnai mAragi ThAka na pAimAragi - path, ThAka - obstruction, pAi - put
maMnai pati siu paragaTu jAipati - honour, siu - with, paragaTu - distinction/reknown, jAi - leave
maMnai magu na calai paMthuCould be translated as “maguna - ectasy” or “magu na - ways (worldly)”. calai - walk/travel, paMthu - path (religious). Proceeds in ectasy on his way OR avoids worldly and religious path.
maMnai dharama setI sanabaMdhudharama - righteousness, setI - with, sanabaMdhu - join/alliance/relationship
aisA nAmu niraMjanu hoi
je ko maMni jANai mani koi | 14

The path of the faithful is not obstructed
With honour and acclaim they have exited
The faithful proceed in ectasy on their way
With righteousness, does their path stay
The Name of God is so pure
Only the faithful understand for sure | 14

Pauri 15

maMnai pAvahi mokhu duArupAvahi - obtains, mokhu - salvation/enlightenment, duAru - door
maMnai paravArai sAdhAruparavArai - family/relations, sAdhAru - reforms/saves
maMnai tarai tAre guru sikhatarai - saves, tAre - saves, guru - guru, sikha - disciple/student
maMnai nanaka bhavahi na bhikhabhavahi - goes, bhikha - begging. Could be explained as not wandering in transmigration.
aisA nAmu niraMjanu hoi
je ko maMni jANai mani koi | 15

The faithful passes thru salvation’s gate
And their family shares the same fate
By obeying the Divine, saved are the Guru and the disciples both
By obeying the Divine, O Nanak, they do not beg as they cometh and goeth
The Name of God is so pure
Only the faithful understand for sure | 15

Pauri 16

paMca paravANa paMca paradhAnu paMca - literally five meaning the idea of selection. paravANa - acceptable (V - going to a higher place), paradhAnu - supreme, the highest (V - one of the highest)
paMce pavahi daragahi mAnu daragahi - god’s court (V - urdu word for where there is a temple), mAnu - honour (V - honour/respect)
paMce sohahi dari rAjAnu sohahi - shed lustre / looks beautiful - Veeru (language is bhagalakandi) , (V - dari - court / the place ), darI - mattress , rAjAnu - kings
paMcA kA guru iku dhiAnu guru - guru, iku - one/alone, dhiAnu - focus/attention/meditate . Could be taken as “guru iku dhiAnu” - single minded focus on guru or “guru iku dhiAnu” - meditate on the having God as their spiritual guide , V - all five flows into the knowledge - five different ways, all flowing from knowledge from Guru
je ko kahai karai vIcAru je - if/though, ko - someone, kahai - speaks, karai - does, vIcAru - describe
karate kai karaNai nAhI sumAru karate - The Doer, karaNai - doings nAhI - no, sumAru - enumeration (V- have a lot, luxury)
dholu dharama da'iA kA pUtu wrong two words dholu - bull, dharama - righteousness, daiA - mercy/compassion, pUtu - son
saMtokhu thApi rakhiA jini sUtisaMtokhu - patient or contentment (V- fullfilled), thApi - V( saMtokha used with thApi in poetry) rakhiA - holding, jini - which, sUti - the thread on which the world is strung. Could mean “by patience the world maintains balance and order of nature”
je ko bujhai hovai saciArubujhai - understand , hovai - becomes saciAru - truthful
dhavalai upari ketA bhArudhavalai - bull, upari - on top of, ketA - how much, bhAru - weight
dharatI horu parai horu horudharatI - worlds, horu - more, parai - beyond
tisa te bhAru talai kavaNu jorutisa - their, bhAru - weight, talai - from underneath/support kavaNu - what, joru - power
jIa jAti raMgA ke nAvajIa - living beings, jAti - kinds (V - ), raMgA - colors, ke - of , nAva - names V - raMgA - could represent something higher
sabhanA likhiA vu.DI kalAmasabhanA - all, likhiA - write/inscribe, vurI - flowing (V - how chitrgupta are writing, also means be free, must be done), kalAma - pen
ehu lekhA likhi jANai koiehu lekhi - account, likhi - to write jANai - known, koi - who
lekhA likhiA ketA hoilekhA - account, likhiA - scribed/written, ketA hoi - how would it be?
ketA tANu suAlihu rUpuketA - what, tANu - power, suAlihu - fascinating, rUpu - beauty
ketI dAti jANai koNu kUtu konu wrong ketI - how great, dAti - gift/give, jANai - have knowledge of/assess, koNu - who, kUtu - extent
kItA pasAu eko kavAukItA - caused an effect/did, pasAu - expansion, eko - one, kavAu - word(of the world)
tisa te hoe lakha darIAutisa te - whereby, hoe - created/produced/done, lakha - 100000, darIAu - rivers
kudarati kavaNa kahA vIcArukudarati - power, kavaNa - what, kahA - have I, vIcAru - to describe
vAriA na jAvA eka vAravAriA - ??, na jAvA - go/sacrifice, eka - one, vAra - time
jo tudhu bhAvai sAI bhalI kArajo - what, tudhu - you, bhAvai - pleases, sAI - that, bhalI - good, kAra - pursuit/do
tu sadA salAmati niraMkAra | 16sadA - ever, salAmati - secure , niraMkAra - formless

The elect are distinguished and moving to a higher plane
In the court of the Divine, much respect they gain
The elect shed lustre on the court of kings
The elect on the One Guru are single-minded focusing
Even if one tries to recount
The Doer’s doings one cannot count
The bull of righteousness, compassion’s child
By patience, holding in balance the world so wild
Who understands this becomes truthful
How much weight is on the bull?The metaphorical bull dharma has 4 legs / aspects - truth, compassion, austerity/discipline, and . Previously said those that understand dharma become truthful. This line could be interpreted metaphorically either how difficult it is to maintain order without dharma or it could be sarcasm to indicate that the earth is not supported by a physical bull. Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3 - 12.41 - vidyA dAnaM tapaH satyam
Worlds upon worlds in the beyond so great
What power can support their weight?
Beings of all kinds and colors again
All written with an everflowing pen
This account - who knows how to write it?
If anyone could, where would it fit?
What beautiful fascinating form and what power
Who can know the extent of the gifts you shower?
With one word, you caused expansion of the world
A hundred thousand rivers were unfurled
What power do I have to describe You?
Even offering my life will not do
What pleases You is good and should be done
You are ever secure, Formless One | 16

Pauri 17

asaMkha japa asaMkha bhAUasaMkha - uncountable/numberless, japa - literally means repetition of God’s name. Most likely means those that recite God’s name - aka worshippers, bhAU - love
asaMkha pUjA asaMkha tapa tAUpUjA - prayers and offerings, tapa - penance, tAU - practice
asaMkha garaMtha mukhi veda pAThagaraMtha - holy books, mukhi - face, veda - vedas , pATha - recitation
asaMkha joga mani rahahi udAsajoga - yogis, mani - mind, rahahi - remain, udAsa - detached
asaMkha bhagata guNa giAna vIcArabhagata - saints, guNa - virtues, giAna - divine knowledge, vIcAra - reflect
asaMkha satI asaMkha dAtArasatI - truthful person, dAtAra - charitible person
asaMkha sUra muha bhakha sArasUra - warriors/heroes, muha - mouth, bhakha - eat, sAra - steel/metal
asaMkha moni liva lAi tAramoni - sages/holy people/those with vow of silence, liva - love, lAi - center, tAra - attention
kudarati kavaNa kahA vIcAru
vAriA na jAvA eka vAra
jo tudhu bhavai sAI bhalI kAra
tu sadA salAmati niraMkAra | 17

Countless who repeat Your name, countless who love You beyond sense
Countless who make offerings, countless who perform harsh penance
Countless the reciters of the Vedas and holy books
Countless Yogis whose hearts are indifferent to the world’s hooks
Countless saints who ponder on You to gain clarity
Countless truthful, countless perform charity
Countless heroes face the steel of their enemies
Countless silent worshippers - lovingly center attention on Thee
What power do I have to describe You?
Even offering my life will not do
What pleases You is good and should be done
You are ever secure, Formless One | 17

Pauri 18

asaMkha mUrakha aMdha ghoramUrakha - fools, aMdha - blind, ghora - appallingly
asaMkha cora harAmakhoracora - robber/thief, harAmakhora - corrupt/bad person
asaMkha amara kari jAhi joraamara - sovereignty/impose will, kari - do/establish, jAhi - by/depart, jora - forceAlso could be “Countless who issue oppressive orders”
asaMkha galavaDha hatiA kamAhigalavaDha - cutthroat/murderer, hatiA - murder, kamAhi - earn money by
asaMkha pApI pApu kari jAhipApI - sinners, pApu - sin, kari jAhi - keep doing
asaMkha ku.DiAra kU.De phirAhikuriAra - liars, kUre - lie/lying, phirAhi - wander
asaMkha malechha malu bhakhi khAhi malechha - whose desires are filthy . In the Guru’s time the word was applied by Hindus as a term of opprobation to the musulman’sAlso could be “Countless filthy who enjoy filth (gain)”
asaMkha niMdaka siri karahi bhAru niMdaka - slanderers, siri - head, karahi - do (carry), bhAru - weight
nanaku nIcu kahai vIcAru nIcu -lowly, kahai - do/give, vIcAru - describe
vAriA na jAvA eka vAra
jo tudhu bhAvai sAI bhalI kAra
tu sadA salAmati niraMkAra | 18

Countless fools, appallingly blind
Countless thieves - corrupt and unkind
Countless who impose by force their will
Countless cut-throats and murderers still
Countless sinners who keep sinning
Countless liars who roam about lyingAlso could be “Countless liars wandering lost in their lies”
Countless filthy who eat filth instead
Countless slanderers carrying weight on their heads
Lowly Nanak - describes what he seesNanak describes the state of the lowly
I cannot do anything for Thee
What pleases You is good and should be done
You are ever secure, Formless One | 18

Pauri 19

asa.nkha nAva asaMkha thAvanAva - name, thAva - places
agaMma agaMma asaMkha lokha agaMma - inaccessible, unapproachable, etc. , lokha - places
asaMkha kahahi siri bhAru hoekahahi - say/do, siri - head/intellect, bhAru - weight - usually in reference to sin, hoe - will happen
akharI nAmu akharI sAlAha akharI - letters/words (likely divine literature), nAmu - name, sAlAha - praise
akharI giAnu gIta guNa gAha giAnu - divine wisdom, gIta - song, guNa - attributes/virtues, gAha - sing
akharI likhaNu bolaNu bANi likhaNu - write, bolaNu - speak, bANi - word of god, hymns
akharA siri saMjogu vakhANi siri - head, saMjogu - destiny/coincedence, vakhANi - described/declared
jini ehi likhe tisu siri nAhi jini -who, ehi - this/these, likhe - wrote, tisu - his , siri - head, nAhi - nothing
jiva phuramAe tiva tiva pAhi jiva - as, phuramAe - ordains, tiva - so, pAhi - receive, put
jetA kItA tetA nAu jetA - great, kItA - creation, tetA - ?? , nAu - name
viNu nAvai nAhI ko thAu Could be “The great creation is a manifestion of (the Name)”viNu - without, nAvai - name, nAhI - no, ko thAu - place
kudarati kavaNa kahA vIcAru
vAriA na jAvA eka vAra
jo tudhu bhAvai sAI bhalI kAra
tU sadA salAmati niraMkAra | 19

Countless names, countless places
Beyond reach are your countless spaces
To even say they are countless is baseless Could also be “To call them countless is to carry the weight on your head” or “Countless repeat your name upside down” or “To say countless - intellect becomes weighted/heavy (incapable)”
By letters (we repeat) thy Name, by letters praising letters likely means divine literature
By letters, (we acquire) divine knowledge and hymns sing
By letters, the Divine word we write, speak, and share.
By the letters on man’s head, destiny is declared.
But on the Writer, there is written nothing
As the Divine ordains, so are we receiving
From Your Name, all of great creation is a part small Could be “The great creation is a manifestion of (the Name)”
Without your Name, there is nothing at all
What power do I have to describe You?
Even offering my life will not do
What pleases You is good and should be done
You are ever secure, Formless One | 19

Pauri 20

bharIai hathu pairu tanu deha bharIai - smeared, hathu - hand, pairu - foot, tanu -body, deha - other parts??
paNI dhotai utarasu kheha paNI - water, dhotai - wash, utarasu - removed, kheha - dust
mUta palItI kapa.Du hoi mUta - urine?, palItI - polluted, kaparu - clothing
de sAbUNu laIai uhu dhoi de - then, sAbUNu - soap, laIai - take, uhu - it, dhoi - wash
bharIai mati pApA kai saMgibharIai - filled, mati - mind, pApA - sin, kai saMgi - with?
uhu dhopai nAvai kai raMgiuhu -it dhopai - wash nAvai - name kai - of/with raMgi - dye / colordye - could mean love of (the Name), aka. water dyed with the color of the Name
puMnI pApI AkhaNu nAhisaint / virtue, pApI - sinner / sin, AkhaNu - spokeAlso “Virtue and vice does not come by words”
kari kari karaNA likhi lai jAhukari - do karaNA - action, likhi - written lai jAhu
Ape bIji Ape hI khAhuApe - you bIji - seed hI khAhu - eat
nanaka hukamI Avahu jAhu | 20nanaka hukamI - command, Avahu -come, jAhu- goComes and goes in reincarnation

When hands, feet, and body are with dirt smeared
By washing with water, it is cleared
When clothing is polluted and gray
With soap it is washed away
When the mind is filled with sin and shame
It can be cleansed with the dye of the Name
Sinners and saints are not made by mere talk
What is written are actions and walk
What you must eat is that what you sow
Nanak - by the Divine’s command man comes and goes | 20

Pauri 21

tIrathu tapu da'iA datu dAnutIrathu - pilgrimmage, tapu - austerities, daeA - mercy/compassion, datu dAnu - almsgiving
je ko pAvai tila kA mAnu je ko - if any, pAvai - perform? fetch?, tila - sesame seed, kA -of, mAnu - honour
suNiA maMniA mani kItA bhAu suNiA - listening, maMniA - believing/obeying, mani - mind or heart?, kItA - do, bhAu - love
Could also be “By hearing and believing with love in your mind/heart” or “With loving attention, listen and obey and wash off dirt at the shrine within”

aMtaragati tIrathi mali nAu aMtaragati - within, tIrathi - pilgrimmage, mali -dirt, nAu - bath Is this giving the direction of what to do?
sabhi guNa tere mai nAhI koisabhi -all, guNa - virtues , tere - are yours, mai nAhI koi - none are mine
viNu guNa kIte bhagati na hoe viNu - without, guNa - virtues, kIte - doing?, bhagati - devotion / love / devotional services, na - not, hoe - be “There is no devotion without virtues”
suasati Athi bANI baramAu suasati - self-existent or bow, Athi - materials, valuables, bANI - spiritual word, baramAu - Brahma Possibly - “‘blessings on thee’, is the first saluation brahama addresses to you” or “I bow to You the self-existent”
sati suhANu sadA mani cAu sati - truth, suhANu - beautiful, sadA - ever, mani - mind/heart, cAu - pleasure/ectasy
kavaNu su velA vakhatu kavaNu kavaNa thiti kavaNu vAru kavaNu - when velA -time, vakhatu - moment, thiti -lunar day, vAru - weekday
kavaNi si rutI mAhu kavaNu jitu hoA AkAru si the, rutI - season, mAhu - month, jitu hoA - it happenned , AkAru - creation
vela na pAIA paMDatI ji hovai lekhu purANu vela - the , pAIA - find, paMDatI - Hindu priest, ji hovai - if did, lekhu - write, purANu - religious scriptures
vakhatu na pAiu kAdIA ji likhani lekhu kurANu kAdIA - those who scribed the Quran , kurANu - Quran
thiti vAru nA jogI jANai ruti mAhu nA koI thiti - lunar day, vAru - weekday, jogI - yogis, jANai - have knowledge, ruti - season, mAhu - month, nA koI - no one
jA karatA siraThI kau sAje Ape jANai soI jA - the , karatA - do/Doer, siraThI - the world/creation, kaU sAje - creates, Ape jANai - knows, soI - only
kiva kari AkhA kiva sAlAhI kiu varanI kiva jANA kiva -how, kari - to/do, AkhA - speak, sAlAhI - praise, varanI - describe, jANA - to know
nanaka AkhaNi sabhu ko Akhai ika dU ika siANA nanaka - Nanak, AkhaNi - speak, sabhu - everyone, ika - one/each siANA - elder/eldest/wiser
vaDA sAhibu vaDI nAI kItA jA kA hovai vaDA - large/big/great, sAhibu - master, nAI - name, kItA - doing, jA kA hovai - come to pass
nanaka je ko Apo jANai agai ga'iA na sohai | 21 je -if, ko - someone, Apo - self, jANai - know, agai - next, gaiA - arrival? sohai - honoured/respected/adorned

Pilgrimmage, austerities, compassion, and charity
Doing any of these activities gives merit so tiny
Listen faithfully and fill with love the heart and mind
And clean within the place of pilgrimmage you find
All virtues are yours; I have none
Without virtues, there is no devotion
Hail to the primal Creator and word so holy
You are True, Beautiful, and always in joy
What time, what moment, what lunar day, what date
In what season and month did You create?
The pundits do not know it or it would be written in the Purans
The Qazis do not know it or it would be written in the Quran
The Yogis do not know it – no one does
Only the Creator of the universe because
How to address, praise, and describe You? How to know You best?
Nanak says - everyone speaks - each wiser than the rest
Great is the Lord and the Name, what the Divine does comes to unfurl
Those who think they’re wise have no honour in the next world | 21

Pauri 22

pAtAlA pAtAla lakha AgAsA AgAsa pAtAlA - nether region, lakha - 100000, AgAsA - upper region
u.Daka u.Daka bhAli thake veda kahani eka vAta uraka - limit/bound/eventually, bhAli - searching, thake - tire, veda - vedas, kahani - to say, eka - one, vAta - thing, time“Men have grown tired of searching for limits of the Divine, the Vedas say one thing (Divine is boundless)” or “” - REDO
sahasa aThAraha kahani katebA asulU eku dhAtu sahasa - thousands, aThAraha - 18, kahani - say, katebA - books, asulU - truthfully, eku - one, dhAtu - primary element
lekhA hoi ta likhIai lekai hoi viNAsu lekhA - account, hoi ta likhIai - being written, lekai - the writer?, hoi - will be, viNAsu - finish/decay/destroy/vanish (http://spokensanskrit.org/index.php?tran_input=vinAza&direct=se&script=ia&link=yes&mode=3)
nAnaka vaDA AkhIai Ape jANai Apu | 22 vaDA - great, AkhIai - call/address/speak - Ape jANai Apu - he knows self

There are hundreds of thousands regions - both lower and higher
The Vedas say that searching for the limits of the Divine will make you tire
Thousands of religious texts say there is one essence primary
To write an account of the Divine, the writer will not finish surely
Nanak - call the Divine great as only it knows itself completely | 22

Pauri 23

sAlAhI sAlAhi etI surati na pAIA sAlAhI - praisers, sAlAhi - praise, etI - much, surati - understanding, na - no, pAIA - find,
nadIA atai vAha pavahi samuMdi na jANIahi nadIA - rivers, atai - and, vAha - river/power/strength, pavahi - samuMdi - ocean, jANIAhi - to know, have knowledge of
samuMda sAha sulatAna girahA setI mAlu dhanu samuMda - ocean, sAha - king, sulatAna - emperor, girahA - mountains, setI - with mAlu - property, dhanu - wealth
kI.DI tuli na hovanI je tisu manahu na vIsarahi | 23 [kI.DI] - ant/bug/worm/insect, tuli - equal, na hovanI - not do, je -if tisu - manahu - mind/heart, na vIsarahi - forget | 23

Praisers praise the Divine, but cannot truly understand
Rivers and streams find the ocean but do not know how far it expands
Kings and emperors who possess mountains and oceans of wealth apart
Are not equal to an ant that never forgets the Divine in its heart | 23

Pauri 24

aMtu na sifatI kahaNi na aMtu aMtu - limit, sifatI - praises, kahaNi - those who speak,
aMtu na karaNai deNi na aMtu karaNai - doings/workings, deNi - giving
aMtu na vekhaNi suNaNi na aMtu vekhaNi - seeing, suNaNi - listening
aMtu na jApai kiA mani maMtu jApai - known?, kiA - what, mani - heart/mind, maMtu - motive
aMtu na jApai kItA AkAru kItA - does /created, AkAru - creation
aMtu na jApai pArAvAru pArAvAru - MacArthur - A metaphor taken from the banks of a river
aMtu kAraNi kete bilalAhi kAraNi - Doer or to know, kete - those/many/multitudes, bilalAhi - bewail/cry out in pain
tA ke aMta na pAe jAhi tA - in referecne to, pAe - found, jAhi - known
ehu aMta na jANai koi ehu - this, aMta - limit, na jANai - know, koi - anyone
bahutA kahIai bahutA hoi bahutA - much/a lot, kahIai - has been said/spoken, hoi - will be / becomes
vaDA sAhibu UcA thAu vaDA - great, sAhibu - form of respected address, UcA - exalted, thAu - place/seat/location
Uce upari UcA nAu Uce - exalted (noun), upari - above all, UcA - higher, nAu - name
evaDa UcA hovai koi evaDa - if? UcA - higher, hovai - is, koe - anyone,
tisu Uce kau jANai soi tisu - that, Uce - Exalted/Highest, kaU jANai - would know, soi - he
jevaDa Api jANai Api Api jevaDa - how great? Api - self, jANai - does know
nAnaka nadarI karamI dAti | 24 nadarI - glance/grace/bestow, karamI - the Doer / those that do good karma, dAti - gift

To the Divine’s praises and to those that speak them no limit. Also, “No limit to the Praised One”
To the Divine’s workings and the Divine’s gifts no limit.
To the Divine’s seeing and hearing no limit.
The Divine’s motives also have no limit.
The limit of Divine’s creation are not known
Neither the Divine’s near or far side can be shown
To know the Divine’s limits many bewail
But to find the limits one will always fail
The Divine’s limits no one knows
Much has been said, but much more must follow
Great is the Lord and exalted is the seat
The Divine’s name is highest - nothing can compete
If anyone was so excellent
Then to the Highest they would frequent
How great is the Divine - only the Divine knows “How great He is - he himself knows”
Nanak - to those that do good works the Divine gifts bestows | 24 Nanak - God bestows gifts to those who do good works

Pauri 25

bahutA karamu likiA na jAe bahutA - much, karamu - bounties (sanskrit karm = work, persian = kindness/favour/bounty), likiA - written, na jAe - cannot be
vaDA dAtA tilu na tamAi vaDA - great/big, dAtA - Giver, tilu - seed/tiny speck/iota, na tamAi - jealousy/avarice/covetnousness
kete maMgahi jodha apAra kete - many, maMgahi - ask/beg, jodha - heroes/warriors, apAra - reference to the divine
ketiA gaNata nahi vIcAru ketiA - how many, gaNata - countable or those that do math or intellectual, nahi vIcAru - cannot describe / ponder
kete khapi tuTahi vekAra kete - how many, khapi - pine?, tuTahi vekAra - with sin (MacArthur compares the line from Guru Amara Das - man vekArin veria = mind is encompassed with sin)
kete lai lai mukaru pAhi lai - take, mukaru - deny
kete mUrakha khAhI khAhi mUrakha - fools, khAhI - consumer, khAhi - eat / consume
ketiA dUkha bhUkha sada mAra dUkha - pain, bhUkha - hunger, sada - endless/ever, mAra - dying
ehi bhi dAti terI dAtAra ehi bhi - this, dAti - gifts, terI - your, dAtAra - Giver
baMdi khalAsI bhANai hoi baMdi - bondage/bound/to be enclosed (in a womb), khalAsI - liberation, bhANai - will?, hoi - is
horu Akhi na sakai koi horu - others, Akhi - speak or is it interfere?, na sakai koi - ?
je ko khAiku AkhaNi pAi je ko - if any , khAiku - fool, AkhaNi - interfere/say, pAi
uhu jANai jetIA muhi khAi [uhu] jANai - know, jetIA muhi khAi - expression for punishment - beat shoes on face
Ape jAnai Ape dei Ape jAnAi - know, dei - give
Akhahi si bhi keI kei Akhahi - si bhi keI kei
jina no bakhase siphati sAlAha jina no - to who, bakhase - blessing, siDhati - praising, sAlAha - lauding/eulogizing/extemporize
nAnaka pAtisAhI pAtisAhu | 25 pAtisAhI - kings, pAtisAhu -king

Recorded cannot be the Divine’s proceedsbounties, favours in Persian
The great Giver has not an iota of greed
How many heroes beg of the Divine
So many - the count cannot be defined “How many intellectuals cannot describe” , “An uncountable ponder over the Divine”
How many pine away sinning?
How many get the Divine’s blessings then deny receiving?
How many foolish only feed?How many consumers consume?
How many are dying in pain and need?Pain and hunger.
Even these are your gifts - oh Giver
Rebirth and freedom only You deliver
No one else has any say
If any fool should try anywayKhAik - MacArthur - Also found in Sri Rag ki War, Slok 2 - thAo nAhin khAika - there is no place for the fool
They will have their face beaten with a shoe
The Divine knows (who to give) and the Divine gives, too
Only few acknowledge this thing
Those blessed to do Your praising
Nanak - they are the King of kings | 25

Pauri 26

amula guNa amula vApAra amula - priceless, guNa - attributes/virtues, vApAra - dealings
amula vApArIe amUla bhaMDAra vApArIe - dealers, bhaMDAra - storehouse or treasures
amula Avahi amula lai jAhi Avahi - coming , lai jAhi - take away
amula bhAi amulA samAhi bhAi lovers, samAhi - meditation/samadhi
amulu dharamu amulu dIbANu dharamu - divine law, dIbANu - court
amulu tulu amulu paravAnu tulu - scales, paravAnu - weights / measures
amulu bakhasIsa amulu nIsANu bakhasIsa - blessings/gifts, nIsANu - sign/insignia
amulu karamu amulu phuramANu karamu - no idea - could be mercy/benevolence , phuramANu
amulo amulu AkhIA na jAi amulo - priceless (noun)?, amulu - priceless (adverb), AkhIA na jAi - cannot speak/describe it
Akhi Akhi rahe liva lAi Akhi - speak, rahe - keep, liva lAi - absorbed, fix attention on
Akhahi veda pATha purANu Akhi - speak, veda - Vedas, pATha - recitation, purANu - Puranas
Akhahi pa.De karahi vakhiANa [pare] - educated, karahi vakhiANa - deliver/give discourses
Akhahi barame Akhahi iMda barame - brahama, iMda - indra
Akhahi gopi te goviMda gopi - milkmaids, te - and, goviMda - name of krsna
Akhahi Isara akhahi sidha Isara - name of Shiva, sidha - those who have abilities
Akhahi kete kIta budha kete - multitudes/many, kIta - do, budha - those who have intelligence
Akhahi dAnava akhahi deva dAnava - children of Daksa - most likely considered demons, deva - beings of light / gods (note the little g)
Akhahi suri nara muni jina seva suri - demi-gods, nara - man, muni - rishi or inspired saints, jina seva - those who serve
kete akhahi akhahaNa pAhi kete - many, akhahi - speak, akhahaNa - attempt to speak? pAhi - receive
kete kahi kahi uThi uThi jAhi kete - how many, kahi - speak, uThi uThi jAhi - get up and leave - expression for leaving this world, departing, dying
ete kIte hori karehi ete - as, kIte - have created, hori - more, karehi - create/do
tA Akhi na sakahi keI kei tA - even then, Akhi - speak, na sakahi - can not? (saka in punjabi is “can”), keI (not quite the right vowels)- a few several, kei - ??
jevaDu bhAvai tevaDu hoi je - if, vaDu - great, ? bhAvai - sanskrit - (bhAvaikarasa: influenced solely by the sentiment of love) - transformed, changed, influenced. Other translations indicate this means “desire to be”, tevaDu - then great, hoi - is/become
nAnaka jANai sAchA soi jANai - know, sAchA - the True, soi - that
je ko Akhai boluvigA.Du je - if, ko - anyone, Akhai - speaks, boluvigA.Du - ?improperly
tA likhIai siri gAvArA gAvAru | 26 tA - then, likhIai - written, siri - most, gAvArA gAvAru - foolish of the foolish

Your attributes are priceless and dealings are priceless MacArthur - Refers to dealings in the True Name
Your dealers are priceless and your storehouses are priceless
What you give is priceless and what You take is priceless
Your lovers are priceless, Your meditation is priceless
Your law is priceless and the court is priceless
The scales priceless, the weights priceless MacArthur - Reading pramAn for parwAn. If it is the latter, the translation could be “Priceless Thy weights and priceless Thine acceptance of mortals”. Also could be “Priceless thy scales and priceless thy weights”
The blessings priceless, the marks priceless
Your mercy priceless, Your order priceless
How much beyond price no one can state
Speaking and speaking - on the Divine continually concentrate MacArthur - “Ever speaking of Thee men continue to fix their thoughts on Thee”, or “Repeating that Thou are priceless, men continue to fix their attention on Thee”
Those who read the Vedas and Purans speak of You Literally - “Vedas speak, Puranas recite”
The educated speak and give discourses of You
Brahma speaks of You, Indra speaks of You
The milkmaids and Krisna speak of You
Shiva and the Siddhas speak of You
Many intelligent beings speak of You Also, “All the created Budhas speak of you” or “All the Buddhas created by You proclaim You”
The demons and demigods speak of You
Demigods, men, munis, and servants speak of You
How many speak or attempt to speak of You?
How many depart while speaking of You?
If You were to create as many more as You have already
Even then few could speak about of You partially Or “Then speak cannot few” or “Then speak of the Divine only partially” or “Only a few of the Divine’s attributes may be spoken about”
You become as great as You careLiterally - as you big/great as You want to
Nanak - only the True is aware(of its own greatness)
If anyone speaks improperly of the Divine’s jewels
Then write them down as the most foolish of fools. | 26

Pauri 27

so daru kehA so gharu kehA jitu bahi saraba samAle so - that, daru - gate, kehi - which, gharu - house/mansion/residence, jitu - that, bahi - sitting, saraba - (sa raba - referring to everyone), samAle - take care of
vAje nAda aneka asaMkhA kete vAvaNahAre vAje - ring/play/strum, nAda - instruments (not referring to the sound current in this case?), aneka - types?, asaMkhA - countless, kete - many/varioius, vAvaNahAre - musicians
kete rAga parI siu kahIani kete gAvanahAre kete - many, rAga - songs, parI - consort? siu - with, kahIani - hymn?, kete - how many, gAvanahAre - ministrels?
gAvahi tuhano pauNu pANI baisaMtaru gAvai rAjA dharamu duAre gAvahi - sing, tuhano - to You, pauNu - wind ? , pANI - water, baisaMtaru - fire, rAjA - king, dharamu duAre - door
gAvahi chitu gupatu likhi jANahi likhi likhi dharamu vIcAre gAvahi - sing, chitu gupatu - the recording angels, likhi -write, jANahi - know, likhi likhi dharamu vIcAre
gAvahi Isaru baramA devI sohani sadA savAre Isaru - name of Shiva, baramA - Brahama, devI, sohani - beautiful, sadA - ever, savAre - dressed by you
gAvahi iMda idAsaNi baiThe devatiA dari nAle iMda -Indra, idAsaNi - throne, baiThe - sitting, devatiA - demigods, dari - gate, nAle - with
gAvahi sidha samAdhI aMdari gAvani sAdha vicAre sidha - humans with some spiritual power, samAdhI - higher state of consciousness, aMdari -in, sAdha - saddhu - holy man or renunciante, vicAre - describe/ponder/contemplate
gAvani jatI satI saMtokhI gAvahi vIra karAre jatI - ?? those with long hair? / macarther says - continent, could mean abstinent/celebate ?, satI - the truthful, saMtokhI - the peaceful, gAvahi vIra - warriors, karAre - strong/fearless
gAvani paMDita pa.Dani rakhIsara jugu jugu vedA nAle paMDita - learned relgious men / scholars, pa[ra]ni - reading/readers, rakhIsara jugu jugu vedA nAle
gAvahi mohaNIA manu mohani suragA maCha pa'ile mohaNIA - celestial maid / singers, manu - mind/heart, mohani - beguile/capture, suragA - paradise??, ma[ch]a - this world ? fish? , [piAle] - nether regions?
gAvani ratana upAe tere aThasaThi tIratha nAle ratana - jewels, upAe - created, tere, aThasaThi - 68, tIratha - places of pilgrimmage, nAle - with
gAvani jodha mahAbala sUrA gAvahi khAnI chare jodha - warriors, mahAbala - extremely strong, sUrA - divine hero, khAnI - source of creation, chare - 4
gAvahi khaMDa maMDala varabhaMDA kari kari rakhe dhAre khaMDa - continents, maMDala - world, varabhaMDA - universe, kari kari rakhe - keep, dhAre - support??
seI tudhuno gAvahi jo tudhu bhAvani rate tere bhagata rasAle seI - also, tudhuno - You, jo tudhu bhAvani - pleasing to You, rate - steeped/imdued, tere - your, bhagata - saints / those that love You, rasAle - literally “abode of rAsa/essence/juice/Love”
hori kete gAvani se mai chiti na Avani nAnaku kiA vIcAre hori - more, kete - how many, gAvani - sing, se mai chiti - mind, na Avani - remember, recollect?, nAnaku - Nanak, kiA - how, vIcAre- describe?
soI soI sadA sacu sAhibu sAcA sAcI nAI soI - (V - to like something, to sleep) , sadA - (V- forever) sacu sAhibu sAcA sAcI nAI
hai bhI hosI jAi na jAsI rachanA jini racAI hai bhI - exist, hosI - also, jAi - leave, na - is not, jAsI - left/departed, rachanA - created, jini - which/who, racAI - created
raMgI raMgI bhAtI kari kari jinasI mAiA jini upAI raMgI - color/essence/love, bhAtI - a lot, kari - doing, jinasI - who did, mAiA - maya/creation, jini - which/who, upAI - created/fashioned
kari kari vekai kItA ApaNA jiva tisa dI vaDiAI kari - doing, vekai - look/see, kItA - the action, ApaNA - self, jiva - living beings, tisa dI vaDiAI - shows the greatness
jo tisu bhAvai soI karasI hukamu na karaNA jAI jo - who/whatever, tisu bhAvai - pleases, soI karasI - does, hukamu command, karaNA jAI - issue to
so pAtisAhu sAhA pAtisAhibu nAnaka rahaNu rajAI | 27 pAtisAhu - king(s), sAhA - king, pAtisAhibu - emperor/higher king, rahaNu - stay/within, rajAI - will/order

What is that gate, what is the house, where You sit and take care of all things?
How many musicians! How many countless instruments are playing!
How many different songs and harmonies! How many wonderful scores!
Wind, water, and fire sing for You ; the Lord of Dharma sings at your door
The recording angels who write the records for Dharmaraja, sing for You
Shiva, Brahma, Devi - beautiful and ever adorned by you - sing for You
Indra seated at his throne with the demigods at the gate, sing for You
Holy men in meditation and renunciates in contemplation, sing of You
The abstinent, the truthful, the peaceful, the fearless heroes sing
The pandits and the seven rsis reading their Vedas, in every age sing
The lovely maidens who beguile the heart in the upper and lower regions singAlso, “The lovely celestial maids who beguile the heart sing You in the upper, and the fish in the lower region”
The jewels created by You, along with the 68 places of pilgrimmage, sing
Mighty warriors and divine heroes along with the four sources of life, sing
Continents, worlds, and the universe supported by You, sing
Also singing, those that please you, those saints are imbdued in your essence MacArthur - “The saints who please Thee, and are imbued with Thy Love, sing Thee”
The many others who sing, I cannot remember; how can Nanak describe hence?
The Divine is ever True, True Lord, and the Name True
The Creator shall continue, long after creation has flewlong after creation has ended.
The One who created maya - created things of different colors and species
The Divine’s Greatness can be witnessed by all everyone sees
The Divine does what pleases itself; no orders to fill
The Divine is Ruler of rulers; Nanak all remain under Your Will | 27

Pauri 28

muMdA saMtokhu saramu patu jholI dhiAna kI karahi bibhUti muMdA - ear rings, saMtokhu - contentment, saramu - humility/shame, patu - honour/respect, jholI - wallet/carrying sack, dhiAna - concentration, kI karahi bibhUti - sacred ashes
khiMthA kAlu kuArI kAiA jugati DaMDA paratItikAia = body khiMthA - beggars coat??, kAlu - death, kuArI - virgin? kAiA jugati - world DaMDA - staff, paratIti - faith?
AI paMthI sagala jamAtI mani jItai jagu jItu“AI paMthI” - a set of yogis (macarthur), sagala - all/entire, jamAtI - brotherhood, mani - heart/mind (veeru), jItai - win/conquer, jagu - world, jItu - conquer
Adesu tisai Adesu MacArthur - Adesh - the ordinary salutation of the Yogis. This word is derived from Adi (primal), and Ish or Ishwar (God) . Guru Nanak means this saluation should only be offered to God
Adi anIlu anAdi anAhati jugu jugu eko vesu | 28 Adi - primal, anIlu - pure (literally not of color blue aka not the color of krsna), anAdi - without beginning, anAhati - indestructable, jugu - age/yuga/era, eko vesu - the same

Let contentment and modesty be earrings ; focus the sacred ash; respect the bindle sack small The following three pauris were likely written after Yogis pressed Guru Nanak to adopt their dress and religion.
Ashes, otherwise nown as bhasma, from fire ceremonies where mantra and have been offered are rubbed on the body.
Make faith the staff and purity of the body the beggar’s shawl
Conquer your mind, conquer the world! Let your sect be brotherhood for allThe Ai Panth was a sect of yogis.
To the Divine bow
The primal, pure, eternal, and indestructable - same then and now | 28

Pauri 29

bhugati giAnu da'iA bhaMDaraNi ghaTa ghaTa vAjahi nAda bhugati - food, giAnu - divine wisdom, da’iA - mercy, bhaMDaraNi - storekeeper, ghaTa ghaTa - every place (heart), vAjahi - sounds/rings/beats, nAda - divine music
Api nAthu nAthI sabha jA ki ridhi sidhi avarA sAda Api - himself, nAthu nAthI - attach? probably sect of Nath sabha jA ki ridhi - wealth, sidhi - miracles, avarA sAda?? MacArthur - “Make Him who hath strung the whole world on His string thy spiritual Lord; let wealth and supernatural power be relishes for others”
saMjogu vijogu dui kAra calAvahi leke Avahi bhAga aMjogu - joining, vijogu - separation, dui - two, kAra calAvahi - running/the rules or laws of operation/how it works, leke - written, Avahi - obtain, bhAga - portion
Adesu tisai Adesu
Adi anIlu anAdi anAhati jugu jugu eko vesu | 29

Make divine knowledge your food, compassion your storekeeper, (and listen) to the divine sound that beats in every heart
Follow the Divine who has strung everyone, from wealth and powers be apart
Union and separation both from the Divine - we receive the portion that is allot.
To the Divine bow
The primal, pure, eternal, and indestructable - same then and now | 29

Pauri 30

ekA mAI jugati viAI tini chele paravANu ekA - one/unique, mAI - maya/mother, jugati - world/universe, viAI - marriage/union/birth???, tini - three, chele - disciples, paravANu - acceptable
iku saMsArI iku bhaMDArI iku lAi dIbANu iku - one, saMsArI - creator, bhaMDArI - sustainer, lAi - absorption/reaper(lAve) , dIbANu - function/disposition
jiva tisu bhAvai tivai calAvai jiva hovai phuramANu jiva - as it, tisu - refers to the Divine, bhAvai - pleases, tivai calAvai - directs/drives, jiva - as, hovai phuramANu - what is ordered
uhu vekhai unA nadari na Avai bahutA ehu viDANu uhu - refers to the Divine, vekhai - sees, unA - they (referring to the three), nadari na Avai - do not see, bahutA - very, ehu viDANu - amazing/marvellous
Adesu tisai Adesu
Adi anIlu anAdi anAhati jugu jugu eko vesu | 30

Maya in union with the Divine gave birth to acceptable children three
One creator, one sustainer, and one to make all freecreate, sustain, and destroy
As it pleases The Divine, its orders are executing
The Divine sees them, but is not seen by them which is very amazing
To the Divine bow
The primal, pure, eternal, and indestructable - same then and now | 30

Pauri 31

AsaNu loi loi bhaMDAru AsaNu - seat, loi - all places, loi - all places, bhaMDAru - storehouses
jo kichhu pAiA su ikA vAra jo - which/what, kichhu - refers to storehouses?, pAiA - put in, su ikA vAra - was done one time
kari kari vekhai sirajaNahAru kari - created, kari - creation, vekhai - behold/see, sirajaNahAru - the Creator?
nAnaka sace kI sAcI kAra sace - true, kI - is, sAcI - True, kAra - work
Adesu tisai Adesu
Adi anIlu anAdi anAhati jugu jugu eko vesu | 31

Everywhere is the Divine’s seat and stores that are run
What was put in them at one time was done Or everyone gets their allotment before birth
The Creator beholds Creation
Nanak - true is the work of the True One.
To the Divine bow
The primal, pure, eternal, and indestructable - same then and now. | 31

Pauri 32

ika dU jIbhau lakha hohi lakhi hovahi lakha vIsa ika - one, dU - ?, jIbhau - tongue, lakha hohi - multiply by 100000, lakhi hovahi - 100000, vIsa - 20
lakhu lakhu ge.DA AkhIahi eku nAmu jagadIsa lakhu lakhu go[r]A AkhIahi eku nAmu jagadIsa
etu rAhi pati pava.DIA ca.DIai hoi ekIsa etu - in this/by this, rAhi - path, pati - ?? steps/should?, [pavarIA]- ladder, [carIai] - climb, hoi ekIsa - become one/merge with
soNi galA AkAsa kI kITA AI rIsa soNi - listening, galA - talks, AkAsa - heaven, kI - of, kITA - bugs/lowly, AI rIsa
nAnaka nadarI pAIai kU.DI kU.Dai ThIsa | 32 nAnaka - nanak, nadarI - glance/look/grace, pAIai - given/taken/done, [kUrI] - the False, [kUrai] Tgarbage/false, hIsa - boast

Were one tongue to become one hundred thousand, and that twenty times more
I would repeat the name of the Divine hundreds of thousands of times with all crore
Climbing the stairs in this way, with the Divine one will be
Listening to talks of heaven, even the lowly wish to copyLiterally - “Listening to talks of the spiritual (heaven), bugs wish to emulate”
Nanak - by grace the Divine is found, while the fakes boast of debris. | 32

Pauri 33

AkhaNi joru chupai naha joru AkhaNi - speaking, joru - strength, chupai - silence, naha -no, joru
joru na maMgaNi deNi na joru joru na maMgaNi - ask/beg, deNi- give na joru
joru na jIvaNi maraNi nahi joru joru na jIvaNi - live, maraNi - die, nahi joru
joru na rAji mAli mani soru joru na - no strength/power, rAji mAli - wealth of empire, mani - heart/mind, soru - commotion/apprehension
joru na suratI giAni vIcAri joru na - no strength, suratI - understanding giAni - divine wisdom, vIcAri - describe/reflect/ponder
joru na jugatI chhuTai saMsAru joru na - no strength, jugatI - world??, chhuTai - leave, saMsAru- the world
jisu hathi joru kari vekai soi jisu - which, hathi - hand, joru - strength, kari - do, vekai - see, soi
nAnaka utamu nIca na koi | 33 utamu-high, nIca - low, na koi - no one

(I have) No strength to speak and to remain silent no strength
(I have) No strength to ask and to give no strength
(I have) No strength to live and to die no strength
(I have) No strength to obtain burdensome kingly wealth
(I have) No strength to understand or knowledge attain
(I have) No strength to escape this domain
Who’s hand has the strength, let’s see what can be done
Nanak - there is no high or low before the Great One | 33

Pauri 34

rAtI rutI thitI vAra rAtI - night, rutI - seasons, thitI - lunar day, vAra - day
pavaNa pANi aganI pAtAla pavaNa - wind, pANi - water, aganI - fire, pAtAla - nether regions
tisu vici dharatI thApi rakhI dharama sAla tisu vici - in this, dharatI - land, thApi - established, rakhI - place/put, dharama sAla - place of dharma
tisu vici jIa jugati ke raMga tisu vici - in this, jIa - living beings, jugati - world??/types, ke raMga - of colors
tina ke nAmu aneka anaMta tina ke - refers to the beings, nAmu - name, aneka - various?, anaMta - countless
karamI karamI hoi vIcAru karamI - karma, hoi - will vIcAru - known
sacA Api sachA darabAru sacA - true, Api - refers to the Divine, sachA - true, darabAru - court
tithai sohani paMca paravAnu tithai - there? sohani beautiful paMca - group/five/the elect/the chosen ,paravAnu - acceptable
nadarI karami pavai nIsANu nadarI - the Divine, karami - by karma, pavai - place/put/mark, nIsANu-mark/insignia
kaca pakAI uthai pAi kaca -unripe/bad, pakAI - ripe/good, uthai - there, pAi - put/placed/sifted/separated
nAnaka g'iA jApai jAi | 34 nAnaka - nanak, g’iA - on arrival, jApai - known?, jAi - going

Nights, seasons, lunar days, week days
Wind, water, fire, regions aways
In the midst, the Divine established this realm as dharma’s place
And here was put living beings of various kinds and race
Their names are too countless to collect
On their karma they must reflect
True is the Divine, and the Court is true
There - the saintly are the chosen few
The Divine marks everyone by acts their own
The bad and good over there will be shown
Nanak - upon going there, this will be known | 34

Pauri 35

dharama khaMDa kA eho dharamu dharama khaMDa - realm, kA - of , eho - this, dharamu - practice/duty
giAna khaMDa kA Akhahu karamu giAna - knowledge, khaMDa - realm, kA Akhahu - describe, karamu - karma
kete pavaNa pANI vaisaMtara kete kAna mahesa kete - how many , pavaNa - wind, pANI - water, vaisaMtara - fire, kete kAna - krsna? mahesa - shiva?
kete barame ghA.Dati gha.DIahi rUpa raMga ke vesa kete - how many, barame - brahma, ghA[ra]ti - forms/worlds?, gh[ra]Iahi - creating, rupa - forms, raMga - color, ke vesa - cloth
ketIA karama bhUmI mera kete kete dhU upadesa ketIA karama bhUmI , mera - montains, kete - how many, dhU - Dhru, upadesa - instructions/lessons
kete iMda chaMda sUra kete kete maMDala desa kete - how many, iMda - indra, chaMda - moon, sUra - sun, maMDala - regions, desa - countries
kete sidha budha nAtha kete kete devI vesa kete - how many, sidha budha nAtha kete kete devI - goddesses, vesa - representations
kete deva dAnava muni kete kete ratana samuMda kete deva - demigods, dAnava - demons, muni - saints, kete kete ratana - jewels, samuMda- ocean
ketIA khANI ketIA bANI kete pAta nariMda ketIA khANI - sources of life, ketIA bANI - languages, kete pAta - dynasty, nariMda - (nara = men) - indra - king
ketIA suratI sevaka kete nAnaka aMtu na aMtu | 35 ketIA suratI - those that understand (divine knowledge?), sevaka - servant kete nAnaka aMtu na aMtu |

In the realm of dharma, this is proscribed
Now the actions in the realm of knowledge are described
How many winds, waters, and fires! How many Krishna’s and Shiva’s?
How many Form, color and garbs! Creating worlds are how many Brahmas?
How many lands of karmakarama bhuMI - where the results of action are reaped, how many mountains, how many Dhrus and instructors
How many Indras, how many moons and suns, how many worlds recur
How many Sidh, Budh, how many Nath! how many goddesses so crucial
How many demigods, demons, and saints! how many oceans of jewels
How many ways of life, how many languages, how many royal lines?
How many wise men, how many servants; Nanak - never an end of Thine | 35

Pauri 36

giAna khaMDa mahi giAnu parachaMDu giAna - knowledge/wisdom, khaMDa - realm, mahi - ?? in?, giAnu - knowledge/wisdom , parachaMDu - shining brightly
tithai nAda binoda koDa anaMdu tithai - there, nAda - river/flow/divine music, binoda koDa - ?? , anaMdu - bliss
sarama khaMDa kI bANI rUpusarama - happiness in sanskrit (sharman) and humility/shame in punjabi/persian, khaMDa - realm, kI bANI - speech/language, rUpu - beauty or form
tithai ghA.Dati gha.DIai bahutu anUpu tithai - there, ghA[r]ti - make, gha[rI]ai - made, bahutu - a lot / great, anUpu - incomparable?
tA kIA galA kathIA na jAhi tA kIA galA - speak, kathIA - na jAhi - cannot be done
je ko kahai pichhai pachhatAi je -if, ko - anyone, kahai - says, pichhai - in the past/behind, pachhatAi - regret
tithai gha.DIai surati mati mani budhi tithai - there, [gharIai] - fashioned/created/made, surati - understanding/consciousness?, mati - mind? mani budhi - intellect
tithai gha.DIai surA sidhA kI sudhi | 36 surA - water/spiritual liquor, punjabi - angel, sudhi - type of dhi/intellect/cleaniliness

In the realm of knowledge, the light of wisdom shines brightly
The divine sounds are causing all to be happyThis could be translated as the divine sound current (nAda) or divine instruments playing. Going with divine sounds.
Beautiful are the words of those who in the realm of happy stayAlternate translations - persian sharm = shame/humility, sanskrit shram = toil. Sanskrit sharman = happiness. Just talking about bliss in previous line, going with sanskrit sharam. Alternate - “In the realm of happiness, the language is beauty”
There - things are made in an incomparable way
What is done there cannot be described with words
If one says, they will regret afterwards
From there comes wisdom and understanding
And the water which cleans the saints springs | 36buddhi/shuddhi/vriddhi/siddhi - intelligence/cleanliness/growth/perfectionAlternately, here is made intellect of the siddhas and suras.

Pauri 37

karama khaMDa kI bANI joru karama - karma, khaMDa - realm, kI bANI - word/language, joru - power/force
tithai horu na koI horu tithai - there, horu - anymore/anything/anyone, na koI horu - not anymore/anything/anyone
tithai jodha mahAbala sUra tithai - there, jodha - heroes/warrior , mahAbala- extremely strong, sUra - warriors/heroes
tina mahi rAmu rahiA bharapUra tina mahi - ?? in?, rAmu - another name for the Divine or the incarnation of visnu as a king, rahiA - stays, bharapUra - filled
tithai sIto sItA mahimA mAhi tithai - there, sIto - ?, sItA - wife of rAma, mahimA - greatness? mAhi - ?? in?
tA ke rUpa na kathane jAhi tA ke rUpa - beauty/form, na kathane - spoken/narrated, jAhi - go
nA uhi marahi na Thage jAhi nA uhi - they, marahi - die, na Thage jAhi - deceived
jina kai rAmu visai mana mAhi jina kai - whose, rAmu - now referring to the Divine, visai - ?stays/dwells?, mana - heart/mind, mAhi - ?? in?
tithai bhagata vasahi ko loa tithai - there, bhagata - lovers of the Divine / devotees / saints, vasahi ko loa - worlds/place
karahi anaMdu sacA mani soi karahi - do, anaMdu - love/bliss, sacA - true, mani -earth/mind, soi
saca khaMDa vasai niraMkAru saca - true, khaMDa - realm, vasai - ?stays/dwells/resides, niraMkAru - formless One
kari kari vekhai nadarI nihAla kari kari - having created (poetic expression), vekhai - see/watch, nadarI - glance, nihAla - happiness?
tithai khaMDa maMDala virabhaMDa tithai - there, khaMDa - continent, maMDala - world, virabhaMDa - universe
je ko kathai ta aMta na aMta je ko - if someone, kathai - to give a speech/description, ta aMta na aMta - limit has no limit, unbounded, limitless
tithai loa loa AkAra tithai - there, loa - place, loa - place, AkAra - creation
jiva jiva hukamu tivai tiva kAra jiva jiva - as, hukamu - command, tivai tiva -as that, kAra - do
vekhai vigasai kari vIcAru vekhai - watch, vigasai - pleaed/happy/rejoince, kari vIcAru - contemplate/ponder
nAnaka kathanA kara.DA sAru | 37 nAnaka - nanak, kathanA - to speak/describe, kara[r]iA - hard, sAru - steel

Force is the attribute in the realm of karma where
No one can compare to those that are there MacArthur - “Incomparable are those who dwell within”
There are extremely powerful warriors who fight
Like Rāma - they are filled with mightThis perhaps refers to rAma the incarnation of visnu as a king - not the Divine
Many Sitas in greatness
No one can describe beauty without bliss
They do not die nor are led astray
In whose hearts, Rāma the Divine does stay.
There also saints and lovers of the Divine abide
They are in bliss - with the True One they are dyed
In the realm of truth resides the Divine Formless
The Divine looks upon creation and renders them blissful
There are continents, worlds, and universes
If someone tries to describe them - they are limitless
There are worlds upon worlds Created
They function as they are Commanded
Watching creation the Divine rejoices with zeal
Nanak - to describe the realm of truth would be as hard as steel | 37

Pauri 38

jitu pAhArA dhIraju suniAru jitu - earlier used continence / self-restraint, pAhArA - furnace?? - dhIraj - patience/endurance, suniAru - goldsmith
aharaNi mati veda hathIAru aharaNi - anvil??, mati - mind(in context = understanding), veda - divine knowledge, hathIAru - items in hand / tools
bhau khalA agani tapa tAu bhaU - fear, khalA - bellows?, agani -fire, tapa -austerities,tAu - your
bhAMDA bhAu aMritu titu DhAli bhAMDA - pot/container, bhAu - love, aMritu - amrit - is this repetition of the name?, titu DhAli - inside
gha.DIai sabadu sacI TakasAla [gharIai] - make/fashion, sabadu - word, sacI - true, TakasAla - mint??/shaping??
jina kau nadari karamu tinu kAra jina kau - who, nadari - glance, karamu - daily habit, tinu kAra -??
nAnaka nadarI nadari nihAla |38 nAnaka nadarI - the Divine, nadari - by glance, nihAla - happiness? |38

Let self-restraint be your forge and patience the goldsmith make
Then with understanding as your anvil and divine wisdom take
Your awe and tapas to use as bellows and flame
Place the amrit in the bowl of divine love with good aim
Inside the mint, the true word is made
Those blessed by the Divine, this is their tradetheir daily practice
Nanak - the Divine’s glance gives joy that does not fade. | 38


pavaNu gurU pANI pitA mAtA dharati mahatu pavaNu - air, gurU, pANI - water, pitA -father, mAtA - mother, dharati -land/earth, mahatu -great
divasu rAti dui dAI dAiA khelai sagala jagatu divasu - day, rAti - night, dui - two, dAI (nurse male)??, dAiA (nurse female)??, khelai-play, sagala=all/entire, jagatu - world
chaMgiAIA buriAIA vAcai dharamu hadUri chaMgiAIA - good deeds, buriAIA - bad deeds, vAcai - read out, dharamu - the one who judges - lord of dharma, hadUri - in presence
karamI Apo ApaNI ke ne.Dai ke dUri karamI - karma, Apu ApaNI - self, ke - some, [nerai] - near, ke -some, dUri -far
jinI nAmu dhiAiA gie masakati ghAli jinI - who, nAmu - name, dhiAiA - focus/ponder/meditate, gie -depart, masakati - toil?, ghAli - doing/doing/put in?
nAnaka te mukha ujale ketI chhuTI nAli | 1 nAnaka - nanak, te mukha - face, ujale - shine, ketI - many, chhuTI - escape/emancipate, nAli - with | 1

Air is the Guru, water the Father, and on the great earth Mother we lay
Day and night are two nurses where the whole world is at play
Good deeds and bad deeds are read to the Judge who weighs
According to their actions some are near the Divine and others far away
Those departing after meditating on the Name and sweating for their deeds
Nanak - their faces are bright and with them many are freed.



Literally, one who does OM.


Also, translated as giving great bounties.


socha - thinking, na hovaI - will not happen, je - if, sochI - thinking, lakh - 100000, vAra - times


chupai - silence, na hovaI - will not happen, je - if, lAi - love, rahA - remaining/path/to stay, liva - concentrate/absorbed, tAra - string/wire/star/clean/clear


sadA - everywhere bhavAahi - place


kathanA - description, kathI - to describe, na Avai - not having, toTi - end


kathi - described, koTI - crore / million (marathi/punjabi)


apAru - endless/infinite


Known as amrit vela - 2H to 0.5H before sunrise.


literally “greatness describe”


visari - forget


dosI - those that sin, doshA - sin/fault


Literal translation is earth, bull, and ether. Pauri 16 for more details.


Enlightened and with the Divine, so never dies again.


easily meditate on the Divine.


literally - the sea of virtue is sounded


Shaik, Pirs, Emperors.


maMne Those who obey the Divine, those who surrender, etc.


mAragi - path, ThAka - obstruction, pAi - put


pati - honour, siu - with, paragaTu - distinction/reknown, jAi - leave


Could be translated as “maguna - ectasy” or “magu na - ways (worldly)”. calai - walk/travel, paMthu - path (religious). Proceeds in ectasy on his way OR avoids worldly and religious path.


dharama - righteousness, setI - with, sanabaMdhu - join/alliance/relationship


pAvahi - obtains, mokhu - salvation/enlightenment, duAru - door


paravArai - family/relations, sAdhAru - reforms/saves


tarai - saves, tAre - saves, guru - guru, sikha - disciple/student


bhavahi - goes, bhikha - begging. Could be explained as not wandering in transmigration.


paMca - literally five meaning the idea of selection. paravANa - acceptable (V - going to a higher place), paradhAnu - supreme, the highest (V - one of the highest)


daragahi - god’s court (V - urdu word for where there is a temple), mAnu - honour (V - honour/respect)


sohahi - shed lustre / looks beautiful - Veeru (language is bhagalakandi) , (V - dari - court / the place ), darI - mattress , rAjAnu - kings


guru - guru, iku - one/alone, dhiAnu - focus/attention/meditate . Could be taken as “guru iku dhiAnu” - single minded focus on guru or “guru iku dhiAnu” - meditate on the having God as their spiritual guide , V - all five flows into the knowledge - five different ways, all flowing from knowledge from Guru


je - if/though, ko - someone, kahai - speaks, karai - does, vIcAru - describe


karate - The Doer, karaNai - doings nAhI - no, sumAru - enumeration (V- have a lot, luxury)


wrong two words


dholu - bull, dharama - righteousness, daiA - mercy/compassion, pUtu - son


saMtokhu - patient or contentment (V- fullfilled), thApi - V( saMtokha used with thApi in poetry) rakhiA - holding, jini - which, sUti - the thread on which the world is strung. Could mean “by patience the world maintains balance and order of nature”


bujhai - understand , hovai - becomes saciAru - truthful


dhavalai - bull, upari - on top of, ketA - how much, bhAru - weight


dharatI - worlds, horu - more, parai - beyond


tisa - their, bhAru - weight, talai - from underneath/support kavaNu - what, joru - power


jIa - living beings, jAti - kinds (V - ), raMgA - colors, ke - of , nAva - names


V - raMgA - could represent something higher


sabhanA - all, likhiA - write/inscribe, vurI - flowing (V - how chitrgupta are writing, also means be free, must be done), kalAma - pen


ehu lekhi - account, likhi - to write jANai - known, koi - who


lekhA - account, likhiA - scribed/written, ketA hoi - how would it be?


ketA - what, tANu - power, suAlihu - fascinating, rUpu - beauty


konu wrong


ketI - how great, dAti - gift/give, jANai - have knowledge of/assess, koNu - who, kUtu - extent


kItA - caused an effect/did, pasAu - expansion, eko - one, kavAu - word


(of the world)


tisa te - whereby, hoe - created/produced/done, lakha - 100000, darIAu - rivers


kudarati - power, kavaNa - what, kahA - have I, vIcAru - to describe


vAriA - ??, na jAvA - go/sacrifice, eka - one, vAra - time


jo - what, tudhu - you, bhAvai - pleases, sAI - that, bhalI - good, kAra - pursuit/do


sadA - ever, salAmati - secure , niraMkAra - formless


The metaphorical bull dharma has 4 legs / aspects - truth, compassion, austerity/discipline, and . Previously said those that understand dharma become truthful. This line could be interpreted metaphorically either how difficult it is to maintain order without dharma or it could be sarcasm to indicate that the earth is not supported by a physical bull. Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3 - 12.41 - vidyA dAnaM tapaH satyam


asaMkha - uncountable/numberless, japa - literally means repetition of God’s name. Most likely means those that recite God’s name - aka worshippers, bhAU - love


pUjA - prayers and offerings, tapa - penance, tAU - practice


garaMtha - holy books, mukhi - face, veda - vedas , pATha - recitation


joga - yogis, mani - mind, rahahi - remain, udAsa - detached


bhagata - saints, guNa - virtues, giAna - divine knowledge, vIcAra - reflect


satI - truthful person, dAtAra - charitible person


sUra - warriors/heroes, muha - mouth, bhakha - eat, sAra - steel/metal


moni - sages/holy people/those with vow of silence, liva - love, lAi - center, tAra - attention


mUrakha - fools, aMdha - blind, ghora - appallingly


cora - robber/thief, harAmakhora - corrupt/bad person


amara - sovereignty/impose will, kari - do/establish, jAhi - by/depart, jora - force


Also could be “Countless who issue oppressive orders”


galavaDha - cutthroat/murderer, hatiA - murder, kamAhi - earn money by


pApI - sinners, pApu - sin, kari jAhi - keep doing


kuriAra - liars, kUre - lie/lying, phirAhi - wander


malechha - whose desires are filthy . In the Guru’s time the word was applied by Hindus as a term of opprobation to the musulman’s


Also could be “Countless filthy who enjoy filth (gain)”


niMdaka - slanderers, siri - head, karahi - do (carry), bhAru - weight


nIcu -lowly, kahai - do/give, vIcAru - describe


Also could be “Countless liars wandering lost in their lies”


Nanak describes the state of the lowly


nAva - name, thAva - places


agaMma - inaccessible, unapproachable, etc. , lokha - places


kahahi - say/do, siri - head/intellect, bhAru - weight - usually in reference to sin, hoe - will happen


akharI - letters/words (likely divine literature), nAmu - name, sAlAha - praise


giAnu - divine wisdom, gIta - song, guNa - attributes/virtues, gAha - sing


likhaNu - write, bolaNu - speak, bANi - word of god, hymns


siri - head, saMjogu - destiny/coincedence, vakhANi - described/declared


jini -who, ehi - this/these, likhe - wrote, tisu - his , siri - head, nAhi - nothing


jiva - as, phuramAe - ordains, tiva - so, pAhi - receive, put


jetA - great, kItA - creation, tetA - ?? , nAu - name


Could be “The great creation is a manifestion of (the Name)”


viNu - without, nAvai - name, nAhI - no, ko thAu - place


Could also be “To call them countless is to carry the weight on your head” or “Countless repeat your name upside down” or “To say countless - intellect becomes weighted/heavy (incapable)”


letters likely means divine literature


Could be “The great creation is a manifestion of (the Name)”


bharIai - smeared, hathu - hand, pairu - foot, tanu -body, deha - other parts??


paNI - water, dhotai - wash, utarasu - removed, kheha - dust


mUta - urine?, palItI - polluted, kaparu - clothing


de - then, sAbUNu - soap, laIai - take, uhu - it, dhoi - wash


bharIai - filled, mati - mind, pApA - sin, kai saMgi - with?


uhu -it dhopai - wash nAvai - name kai - of/with raMgi - dye / color


dye - could mean love of (the Name), aka. water dyed with the color of the Name


saint / virtue, pApI - sinner / sin, AkhaNu - spoke


Also “Virtue and vice does not come by words”


kari - do karaNA - action, likhi - written lai jAhu


Ape - you bIji - seed hI khAhu - eat


nanaka hukamI - command, Avahu -come, jAhu- go


Comes and goes in reincarnation


tIrathu - pilgrimmage, tapu - austerities, daeA - mercy/compassion, datu dAnu - almsgiving


je ko - if any, pAvai - perform? fetch?, tila - sesame seed, kA -of, mAnu - honour


suNiA - listening, maMniA - believing/obeying, mani - mind or heart?, kItA - do, bhAu - love


Could also be “By hearing and believing with love in your mind/heart” or “With loving attention, listen and obey and wash off dirt at the shrine within”


aMtaragati - within, tIrathi - pilgrimmage, mali -dirt, nAu - bath


Is this giving the direction of what to do?


sabhi -all, guNa - virtues , tere - are yours, mai nAhI koi - none are mine


viNu - without, guNa - virtues, kIte - doing?, bhagati - devotion / love / devotional services, na - not, hoe - be


“There is no devotion without virtues”


suasati - self-existent or bow, Athi - materials, valuables, bANI - spiritual word, baramAu - Brahma


Possibly - “‘blessings on thee’, is the first saluation brahama addresses to you” or “I bow to You the self-existent”


sati - truth, suhANu - beautiful, sadA - ever, mani - mind/heart, cAu - pleasure/ectasy


kavaNu - when velA -time, vakhatu - moment, thiti -lunar day, vAru - weekday


si the, rutI - season, mAhu - month, jitu hoA - it happenned , AkAru - creation


vela - the , pAIA - find, paMDatI - Hindu priest, ji hovai - if did, lekhu - write, purANu - religious scriptures


kAdIA - those who scribed the Quran , kurANu - Quran


thiti - lunar day, vAru - weekday, jogI - yogis, jANai - have knowledge, ruti - season, mAhu - month, nA koI - no one


jA - the , karatA - do/Doer, siraThI - the world/creation, kaU sAje - creates, Ape jANai - knows, soI - only


kiva -how, kari - to/do, AkhA - speak, sAlAhI - praise, varanI - describe, jANA - to know


nanaka - Nanak, AkhaNi - speak, sabhu - everyone, ika - one/each siANA - elder/eldest/wiser


vaDA - large/big/great, sAhibu - master, nAI - name, kItA - doing, jA kA hovai - come to pass


je -if, ko - someone, Apo - self, jANai - know, agai - next, gaiA - arrival? sohai - honoured/respected/adorned


pAtAlA - nether region, lakha - 100000, AgAsA - upper region


uraka - limit/bound/eventually, bhAli - searching, thake - tire, veda - vedas, kahani - to say, eka - one, vAta - thing, time


“Men have grown tired of searching for limits of the Divine, the Vedas say one thing (Divine is boundless)” or “” - REDO


sahasa - thousands, aThAraha - 18, kahani - say, katebA - books, asulU - truthfully, eku - one, dhAtu - primary element


lekhA - account, hoi ta likhIai - being written, lekai - the writer?, hoi - will be, viNAsu - finish/decay/destroy/vanish (http://spokensanskrit.org/index.php?tran_input=vinAza&direct=se&script=ia&link=yes&mode=3)


vaDA - great, AkhIai - call/address/speak - Ape jANai Apu - he knows self


sAlAhI - praisers, sAlAhi - praise, etI - much, surati - understanding, na - no, pAIA - find,


nadIA - rivers, atai - and, vAha - river/power/strength, pavahi - samuMdi - ocean, jANIAhi - to know, have knowledge of


samuMda - ocean, sAha - king, sulatAna - emperor, girahA - mountains, setI - with mAlu - property, dhanu - wealth


[kI.DI] - ant/bug/worm/insect, tuli - equal, na hovanI - not do, je -if tisu - manahu - mind/heart, na vIsarahi - forget | 23


aMtu - limit, sifatI - praises, kahaNi - those who speak,


karaNai - doings/workings, deNi - giving


vekhaNi - seeing, suNaNi - listening


jApai - known?, kiA - what, mani - heart/mind, maMtu - motive


kItA - does /created, AkAru - creation


pArAvAru - MacArthur - A metaphor taken from the banks of a river


kAraNi - Doer or to know, kete - those/many/multitudes, bilalAhi - bewail/cry out in pain


tA - in referecne to, pAe - found, jAhi - known


ehu - this, aMta - limit, na jANai - know, koi - anyone


bahutA - much/a lot, kahIai - has been said/spoken, hoi - will be / becomes


vaDA - great, sAhibu - form of respected address, UcA - exalted, thAu - place/seat/location


Uce - exalted (noun), upari - above all, UcA - higher, nAu - name


evaDa - if? UcA - higher, hovai - is, koe - anyone,


tisu - that, Uce - Exalted/Highest, kaU jANai - would know, soi - he


jevaDa - how great? Api - self, jANai - does know


nadarI - glance/grace/bestow, karamI - the Doer / those that do good karma, dAti - gift


Also, “No limit to the Praised One”


“How great He is - he himself knows”


Nanak - God bestows gifts to those who do good works


bahutA - much, karamu - bounties (sanskrit karm = work, persian = kindness/favour/bounty), likiA - written, na jAe - cannot be


vaDA - great/big, dAtA - Giver, tilu - seed/tiny speck/iota, na tamAi - jealousy/avarice/covetnousness


kete - many, maMgahi - ask/beg, jodha - heroes/warriors, apAra - reference to the divine


ketiA - how many, gaNata - countable or those that do math or intellectual, nahi vIcAru - cannot describe / ponder


kete - how many, khapi - pine?, tuTahi vekAra - with sin (MacArthur compares the line from Guru Amara Das - man vekArin veria = mind is encompassed with sin)


lai - take, mukaru - deny


mUrakha - fools, khAhI - consumer, khAhi - eat / consume


dUkha - pain, bhUkha - hunger, sada - endless/ever, mAra - dying


ehi bhi - this, dAti - gifts, terI - your, dAtAra - Giver


baMdi - bondage/bound/to be enclosed (in a womb), khalAsI - liberation, bhANai - will?, hoi - is


horu - others, Akhi - speak or is it interfere?, na sakai koi - ?


je ko - if any , khAiku - fool, AkhaNi - interfere/say, pAi


[uhu] jANai - know, jetIA muhi khAi - expression for punishment - beat shoes on face


Ape jAnAi - know, dei - give


Akhahi - si bhi keI kei


jina no - to who, bakhase - blessing, siDhati - praising, sAlAha - lauding/eulogizing/extemporize


pAtisAhI - kings, pAtisAhu -king


bounties, favours in Persian


“How many intellectuals cannot describe” , “An uncountable ponder over the Divine”


How many consumers consume?


Pain and hunger.


KhAik - MacArthur - Also found in Sri Rag ki War, Slok 2 - thAo nAhin khAika - there is no place for the fool


amula - priceless, guNa - attributes/virtues, vApAra - dealings


vApArIe - dealers, bhaMDAra - storehouse or treasures


Avahi - coming , lai jAhi - take away


bhAi lovers, samAhi - meditation/samadhi


dharamu - divine law, dIbANu - court


tulu - scales, paravAnu - weights / measures


bakhasIsa - blessings/gifts, nIsANu - sign/insignia


karamu - no idea - could be mercy/benevolence , phuramANu


amulo - priceless (noun)?, amulu - priceless (adverb), AkhIA na jAi - cannot speak/describe it


Akhi - speak, rahe - keep, liva lAi - absorbed, fix attention on


Akhi - speak, veda - Vedas, pATha - recitation, purANu - Puranas


[pare] - educated, karahi vakhiANa - deliver/give discourses


barame - brahama, iMda - indra


gopi - milkmaids, te - and, goviMda - name of krsna


Isara - name of Shiva, sidha - those who have abilities


kete - multitudes/many, kIta - do, budha - those who have intelligence


dAnava - children of Daksa - most likely considered demons, deva - beings of light / gods (note the little g)


suri - demi-gods, nara - man, muni - rishi or inspired saints, jina seva - those who serve


kete - many, akhahi - speak, akhahaNa - attempt to speak? pAhi - receive


kete - how many, kahi - speak, uThi uThi jAhi - get up and leave - expression for leaving this world, departing, dying


ete - as, kIte - have created, hori - more, karehi - create/do


tA - even then, Akhi - speak, na sakahi - can not? (saka in punjabi is “can”), keI (not quite the right vowels)- a few several, kei - ??


je - if, vaDu - great, ? bhAvai - sanskrit - (bhAvaikarasa: influenced solely by the sentiment of love) - transformed, changed, influenced. Other translations indicate this means “desire to be”, tevaDu - then great, hoi - is/become


jANai - know, sAchA - the True, soi - that


je - if, ko - anyone, Akhai - speaks, boluvigA.Du - ?improperly


tA - then, likhIai - written, siri - most, gAvArA gAvAru - foolish of the foolish


MacArthur - Refers to dealings in the True Name


MacArthur - Reading pramAn for parwAn. If it is the latter, the translation could be “Priceless Thy weights and priceless Thine acceptance of mortals”. Also could be “Priceless thy scales and priceless thy weights”


MacArthur - “Ever speaking of Thee men continue to fix their thoughts on Thee”, or “Repeating that Thou are priceless, men continue to fix their attention on Thee”


Literally - “Vedas speak, Puranas recite”


Also, “All the created Budhas speak of you” or “All the Buddhas created by You proclaim You”


Or “Then speak cannot few” or “Then speak of the Divine only partially” or “Only a few of the Divine’s attributes may be spoken about”


Literally - as you big/great as You want to


(of its own greatness)


so - that, daru - gate, kehi - which, gharu - house/mansion/residence, jitu - that, bahi - sitting, saraba - (sa raba - referring to everyone), samAle - take care of


vAje - ring/play/strum, nAda - instruments (not referring to the sound current in this case?), aneka - types?, asaMkhA - countless, kete - many/varioius, vAvaNahAre - musicians


kete - many, rAga - songs, parI - consort? siu - with, kahIani - hymn?, kete - how many, gAvanahAre - ministrels?


gAvahi - sing, tuhano - to You, pauNu - wind ? , pANI - water, baisaMtaru - fire, rAjA - king, dharamu duAre - door


gAvahi - sing, chitu gupatu - the recording angels, likhi -write, jANahi - know, likhi likhi dharamu vIcAre


Isaru - name of Shiva, baramA - Brahama, devI, sohani - beautiful, sadA - ever, savAre - dressed by you


iMda -Indra, idAsaNi - throne, baiThe - sitting, devatiA - demigods, dari - gate, nAle - with


sidha - humans with some spiritual power, samAdhI - higher state of consciousness, aMdari -in, sAdha - saddhu - holy man or renunciante, vicAre - describe/ponder/contemplate


jatI - ?? those with long hair? / macarther says - continent, could mean abstinent/celebate ?, satI - the truthful, saMtokhI - the peaceful, gAvahi vIra - warriors, karAre - strong/fearless


paMDita - learned relgious men / scholars, pa[ra]ni - reading/readers, rakhIsara jugu jugu vedA nAle


mohaNIA - celestial maid / singers, manu - mind/heart, mohani - beguile/capture, suragA - paradise??, ma[ch]a - this world ? fish? , [piAle] - nether regions?


ratana - jewels, upAe - created, tere, aThasaThi - 68, tIratha - places of pilgrimmage, nAle - with


jodha - warriors, mahAbala - extremely strong, sUrA - divine hero, khAnI - source of creation, chare - 4


khaMDa - continents, maMDala - world, varabhaMDA - universe, kari kari rakhe - keep, dhAre - support??


seI - also, tudhuno - You, jo tudhu bhAvani - pleasing to You, rate - steeped/imdued, tere - your, bhagata - saints / those that love You, rasAle - literally “abode of rAsa/essence/juice/Love”


hori - more, kete - how many, gAvani - sing, se mai chiti - mind, na Avani - remember, recollect?, nAnaku - Nanak, kiA - how, vIcAre- describe?


soI - (V - to like something, to sleep) , sadA - (V- forever) sacu sAhibu sAcA sAcI nAI


hai bhI - exist, hosI - also, jAi - leave, na - is not, jAsI - left/departed, rachanA - created, jini - which/who, racAI - created


raMgI - color/essence/love, bhAtI - a lot, kari - doing, jinasI - who did, mAiA - maya/creation, jini - which/who, upAI - created/fashioned


kari - doing, vekai - look/see, kItA - the action, ApaNA - self, jiva - living beings, tisa dI vaDiAI - shows the greatness


jo - who/whatever, tisu bhAvai - pleases, soI karasI - does, hukamu command, karaNA jAI - issue to


pAtisAhu - king(s), sAhA - king, pAtisAhibu - emperor/higher king, rahaNu - stay/within, rajAI - will/order


Also, “The lovely celestial maids who beguile the heart sing You in the upper, and the fish in the lower region”


MacArthur - “The saints who please Thee, and are imbued with Thy Love, sing Thee”


long after creation has ended.


muMdA - ear rings, saMtokhu - contentment, saramu - humility/shame, patu - honour/respect, jholI - wallet/carrying sack, dhiAna - concentration, kI karahi bibhUti - sacred ashes


kAia = body khiMthA - beggars coat??, kAlu - death, kuArI - virgin? kAiA jugati - world DaMDA - staff, paratIti - faith?


“AI paMthI” - a set of yogis (macarthur), sagala - all/entire, jamAtI - brotherhood, mani - heart/mind (veeru), jItai - win/conquer, jagu - world, jItu - conquer


MacArthur - Adesh - the ordinary salutation of the Yogis. This word is derived from Adi (primal), and Ish or Ishwar (God) . Guru Nanak means this saluation should only be offered to God


Adi - primal, anIlu - pure (literally not of color blue aka not the color of krsna), anAdi - without beginning, anAhati - indestructable, jugu - age/yuga/era, eko vesu - the same


The following three pauris were likely written after Yogis pressed Guru Nanak to adopt their dress and religion.


Ashes, otherwise nown as bhasma, from fire ceremonies where mantra and have been offered are rubbed on the body.


The Ai Panth was a sect of yogis.


bhugati - food, giAnu - divine wisdom, da’iA - mercy, bhaMDaraNi - storekeeper, ghaTa ghaTa - every place (heart), vAjahi - sounds/rings/beats, nAda - divine music


Api - himself, nAthu nAthI - attach? probably sect of Nath sabha jA ki ridhi - wealth, sidhi - miracles, avarA sAda??


MacArthur - “Make Him who hath strung the whole world on His string thy spiritual Lord; let wealth and supernatural power be relishes for others”


aMjogu - joining, vijogu - separation, dui - two, kAra calAvahi - running/the rules or laws of operation/how it works, leke - written, Avahi - obtain, bhAga - portion


ekA - one/unique, mAI - maya/mother, jugati - world/universe, viAI - marriage/union/birth???, tini - three, chele - disciples, paravANu - acceptable


iku - one, saMsArI - creator, bhaMDArI - sustainer, lAi - absorption/reaper(lAve) , dIbANu - function/disposition


jiva - as it, tisu - refers to the Divine, bhAvai - pleases, tivai calAvai - directs/drives, jiva - as, hovai phuramANu - what is ordered


uhu - refers to the Divine, vekhai - sees, unA - they (referring to the three), nadari na Avai - do not see, bahutA - very, ehu viDANu - amazing/marvellous


create, sustain, and destroy


AsaNu - seat, loi - all places, loi - all places, bhaMDAru - storehouses


jo - which/what, kichhu - refers to storehouses?, pAiA - put in, su ikA vAra - was done one time


kari - created, kari - creation, vekhai - behold/see, sirajaNahAru - the Creator?


sace - true, kI - is, sAcI - True, kAra - work


Or everyone gets their allotment before birth


ika - one, dU - ?, jIbhau - tongue, lakha hohi - multiply by 100000, lakhi hovahi - 100000, vIsa - 20


lakhu lakhu go[r]A AkhIahi eku nAmu jagadIsa


etu - in this/by this, rAhi - path, pati - ?? steps/should?, [pavarIA]- ladder, [carIai] - climb, hoi ekIsa - become one/merge with


soNi - listening, galA - talks, AkAsa - heaven, kI - of, kITA - bugs/lowly, AI rIsa


nAnaka - nanak, nadarI - glance/look/grace, pAIai - given/taken/done, [kUrI] - the False, [kUrai] Tgarbage/false, hIsa - boast


Literally - “Listening to talks of the spiritual (heaven), bugs wish to emulate”


AkhaNi - speaking, joru - strength, chupai - silence, naha -no, joru


joru na maMgaNi - ask/beg, deNi- give na joru


joru na jIvaNi - live, maraNi - die, nahi joru


joru na - no strength/power, rAji mAli - wealth of empire, mani - heart/mind, soru - commotion/apprehension


joru na - no strength, suratI - understanding giAni - divine wisdom, vIcAri - describe/reflect/ponder


joru na - no strength, jugatI - world??, chhuTai - leave, saMsAru- the world


jisu - which, hathi - hand, joru - strength, kari - do, vekai - see, soi


utamu-high, nIca - low, na koi - no one


rAtI - night, rutI - seasons, thitI - lunar day, vAra - day


pavaNa - wind, pANi - water, aganI - fire, pAtAla - nether regions


tisu vici - in this, dharatI - land, thApi - established, rakhI - place/put, dharama sAla - place of dharma


tisu vici - in this, jIa - living beings, jugati - world??/types, ke raMga - of colors


tina ke - refers to the beings, nAmu - name, aneka - various?, anaMta - countless


karamI - karma, hoi - will vIcAru - known


sacA - true, Api - refers to the Divine, sachA - true, darabAru - court


tithai - there? sohani beautiful paMca - group/five/the elect/the chosen ,paravAnu - acceptable


nadarI - the Divine, karami - by karma, pavai - place/put/mark, nIsANu-mark/insignia


kaca -unripe/bad, pakAI - ripe/good, uthai - there, pAi - put/placed/sifted/separated


nAnaka - nanak, g’iA - on arrival, jApai - known?, jAi - going


dharama khaMDa - realm, kA - of , eho - this, dharamu - practice/duty


giAna - knowledge, khaMDa - realm, kA Akhahu - describe, karamu - karma


kete - how many , pavaNa - wind, pANI - water, vaisaMtara - fire, kete kAna - krsna? mahesa - shiva?


kete - how many, barame - brahma, ghA[ra]ti - forms/worlds?, gh[ra]Iahi - creating, rupa - forms, raMga - color, ke vesa - cloth


ketIA karama bhUmI , mera - montains, kete - how many, dhU - Dhru, upadesa - instructions/lessons


kete - how many, iMda - indra, chaMda - moon, sUra - sun, maMDala - regions, desa - countries


kete - how many, sidha budha nAtha kete kete devI - goddesses, vesa - representations


kete deva - demigods, dAnava - demons, muni - saints, kete kete ratana - jewels, samuMda- ocean


ketIA khANI - sources of life, ketIA bANI - languages, kete pAta - dynasty, nariMda - (nara = men) - indra - king


ketIA suratI - those that understand (divine knowledge?), sevaka - servant kete nAnaka aMtu na aMtu |


karama bhuMI - where the results of action are reaped


giAna - knowledge/wisdom, khaMDa - realm, mahi - ?? in?, giAnu - knowledge/wisdom , parachaMDu - shining brightly


tithai - there, nAda - river/flow/divine music, binoda koDa - ?? , anaMdu - bliss


sarama - happiness in sanskrit (sharman) and humility/shame in punjabi/persian, khaMDa - realm, kI bANI - speech/language, rUpu - beauty or form


tithai - there, ghA[r]ti - make, gha[rI]ai - made, bahutu - a lot / great, anUpu - incomparable?


tA kIA galA - speak, kathIA - na jAhi - cannot be done


je -if, ko - anyone, kahai - says, pichhai - in the past/behind, pachhatAi - regret


tithai - there, [gharIai] - fashioned/created/made, surati - understanding/consciousness?, mati - mind? mani budhi - intellect


surA - water/spiritual liquor, punjabi - angel, sudhi - type of dhi/intellect/cleaniliness


This could be translated as the divine sound current (nAda) or divine instruments playing. Going with divine sounds.


Alternate translations - persian sharm = shame/humility, sanskrit shram = toil. Sanskrit sharman = happiness. Just talking about bliss in previous line, going with sanskrit sharam. Alternate - “In the realm of happiness, the language is beauty”


buddhi/shuddhi/vriddhi/siddhi - intelligence/cleanliness/growth/perfection


Alternately, here is made intellect of the siddhas and suras.


karama - karma, khaMDa - realm, kI bANI - word/language, joru - power/force


tithai - there, horu - anymore/anything/anyone, na koI horu - not anymore/anything/anyone


tithai - there, jodha - heroes/warrior , mahAbala- extremely strong, sUra - warriors/heroes


tina mahi - ?? in?, rAmu - another name for the Divine or the incarnation of visnu as a king, rahiA - stays, bharapUra - filled


tithai - there, sIto - ?, sItA - wife of rAma, mahimA - greatness? mAhi - ?? in?


tA ke rUpa - beauty/form, na kathane - spoken/narrated, jAhi - go


nA uhi - they, marahi - die, na Thage jAhi - deceived


jina kai - whose, rAmu - now referring to the Divine, visai - ?stays/dwells?, mana - heart/mind, mAhi - ?? in?


tithai - there, bhagata - lovers of the Divine / devotees / saints, vasahi ko loa - worlds/place


karahi - do, anaMdu - love/bliss, sacA - true, mani -earth/mind, soi


saca - true, khaMDa - realm, vasai - ?stays/dwells/resides, niraMkAru - formless One


kari kari - having created (poetic expression), vekhai - see/watch, nadarI - glance, nihAla - happiness?


tithai - there, khaMDa - continent, maMDala - world, virabhaMDa - universe


je ko - if someone, kathai - to give a speech/description, ta aMta na aMta - limit has no limit, unbounded, limitless


tithai - there, loa - place, loa - place, AkAra - creation


jiva jiva - as, hukamu - command, tivai tiva -as that, kAra - do


vekhai - watch, vigasai - pleaed/happy/rejoince, kari vIcAru - contemplate/ponder


nAnaka - nanak, kathanA - to speak/describe, kara[r]iA - hard, sAru - steel


MacArthur - “Incomparable are those who dwell within”


This perhaps refers to rAma the incarnation of visnu as a king - not the Divine


jitu - earlier used continence / self-restraint, pAhArA - furnace?? - dhIraj - patience/endurance, suniAru - goldsmith


aharaNi - anvil??, mati - mind(in context = understanding), veda - divine knowledge, hathIAru - items in hand / tools


bhaU - fear, khalA - bellows?, agani -fire, tapa -austerities,tAu - your


bhAMDA - pot/container, bhAu - love, aMritu - amrit - is this repetition of the name?, titu DhAli - inside


[gharIai] - make/fashion, sabadu - word, sacI - true, TakasAla - mint??/shaping??


jina kau - who, nadari - glance, karamu - daily habit, tinu kAra -??


nAnaka nadarI - the Divine, nadari - by glance, nihAla - happiness? |38


their daily practice


pavaNu - air, gurU, pANI - water, pitA -father, mAtA - mother, dharati -land/earth, mahatu -great


divasu - day, rAti - night, dui - two, dAI (nurse male)??, dAiA (nurse female)??, khelai-play, sagala=all/entire, jagatu - world


chaMgiAIA - good deeds, buriAIA - bad deeds, vAcai - read out, dharamu - the one who judges - lord of dharma, hadUri - in presence


karamI - karma, Apu ApaNI - self, ke - some, [nerai] - near, ke -some, dUri -far


jinI - who, nAmu - name, dhiAiA - focus/ponder/meditate, gie -depart, masakati - toil?, ghAli - doing/doing/put in?


nAnaka - nanak, te mukha - face, ujale - shine, ketI - many, chhuTI - escape/emancipate, nAli - with | 1